Meet the Amazing International Students who became NEIU Success Stories!

Tue 13 Oct 2020, 10:37:34 / BY Findadmission

NEIU LogoNortheastern Illionois University (NEIU), an institution based in Chicago has been a champion for African international students, even before Findadmission came onto the student recruitment scene.

So, in honour of their commitment to championing diversity, we thought we’d share their internationally recruited students and their success stories, highlighting the amazing work they’ve done with their students to date.

Starting off, student Margo Odiko-Pim from Ghana graduated in December 2017 with a $1,000 Student Travel Award from NEIU. This allowed her to travel to Amsterdam during 2018, presenting her work as a Psychology Major at the 48th Annual Conference of the Jean Piaget Society.

Her study at NEIU had been on an African child’s perspective as to who is fit to be a leader, and is something that she has sought to continue through her master’s degree at Roosevelt University.

“Northeastern has some of the best instructors I have ever met. They take their time to make sure you’re okay both academically and personally,” Odiko-Pim disclosed to an NEIU representative. “Choosing Northeastern was one of the best decisions of my life.”

TOP TIP: Does your university have special post-graduate awards that international students could be eligible for? Then sign in and include it on your Institution Profile, or post about it in the Findadmission News Feed! This will give you a unique edge when sourcing new students.

Another NEIU student, Elias Kasongo has been deemed a success within the walls of the institution. He began as a refugee who fled Congo due to his human rights activism, and yet on the 7th August 2017, he became one of the featured speakers during the longest running NEIU fund-raising function: the 45th Annual Chuck Kane Scholarship Golf Event.

If that wasn’t impressive enough, Kasongo also serves on the board of RefugeeOne. This is a Chicago-based non-profit organization that is committed to helping refugees from all over the world start new lives.

Speaking directly to Findadmission, Kasongo sung NEIU's praises; "NEIU is just the best school for those who really want to earn their degree," he began, "All I can say is that, for me, there is no better school for students who may be working full time and [want] to finish their Degree... [it's a] low cost education but high [in] value." He then added that there was a "small class size with [a] diverse body of students of [all] different backgrounds," too, which shows that a bit of diversity is sure to go a long way with students!

Such amazing people have blossomed within NEIU, wouldn’t you agree? We’re sure NEIU are as proud of these students as we are, and we can’t wait to see what stories the next batch of graduates from this amazing university help to create!

And just remember, if you’re an institution and looking to become one of our partners so you can share your success stories with us, then it’s free to register! All you need is to have an account with a completed profile, and voila!

It’s quick and easy to complete your profile with Findadmission. All you’ll need to hand is your student application form in PDF or Word format, or a link to it if it’s based online, as well as a list of the courses your institution offers to international students.

Your profile will take no more than 15 minutes to complete, and once it is you’ll unlock many perks – including free social media marketing on all of our social accounts, and the ability to be featured on our blog!

TOP TIP: Are you already registered with us, and have international students you want to feature with Findadmission? Then send an email to with your story and you could be here next!



