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Findadmission Partner Conference 2020

Sep 03, 2020

On 20th August 2020, at 4PM in the UK/11am EST, Findadmission started its first Partner Conference of the year, with speakers that included: Our CEO, Folabi Obembe, our Director of University Partnerships, Andrew G. White, and finally our Head of Student Recruitment, Gaganjyot Kaur.

With that exclusive line-up, and over 30 of our Partner Institutions attending the virtual event, it was overall deemed to be a roaring success! Universities and colleges praised the platform that we’ve painstakingly perfected over the last several years, and we even saw a new university joining our Findadmission family once the event was over! We relished in the joy of being able to show you what we can do for you – even if a technical hiccup meant you didn’t get to hear from Ms Kaur, or see the live demo as we expected. Still, our CEO took the reins, giving you enough information on how to use our platform that still roused excitement and curiosity from the attendees. 

Weren't able to attend this time around? Not to worry – we’ll be hosting more partner conferences in the months and years to come, so you won't miss out! Can't wait that long? Then you can always book a chat with our Director of University Partnerships! He’ll be happy to show you what we can do, and the talk will only be for 30 minutes or so - time well spent, as the attendees of our Partner Conference 2020 can attest to. 

Finally, whether you were one of the lucky ducks who got to attend our Partner Event or not, we’d love it if you could take some time to answer a survey on Findadmission, and how useful you find our recruitment platform. All feedback will be instrumental to ensuring our continuing improvements, and it’ll take only a few minutes of your time.

Thank you for being part of the Findadmission Family, and keep your eyes peeled for more updates and events to come!

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