Mon 23 Nov 2020, 10:27:17 / BY Findadmission

Here at Findadmission, we usually save these kinds of updates for our end-of-the-month newsletters – but we’re just too excited to keep it to ourselves any longer!

Expanding into Asia!

While COVID-19 has many young businesses in its clutches, here at Findadmission we’re delving deep into our bag of skills and courage by expanding our both our brand and its boarders!

No longer is Findadmission exclusive only to the continent of Africa and its students; learners from all across Asia can now enjoy the Findadmission platform too, and search conveniently for their study-abroad home, wherever they may be. They’ll have access to the same features that potential students from Africa have come to love; from a personalised Dashboard to a world-wide comparison tool based on location, tuition and more, learners from all over Asia will be able to apply to study abroad with ease.

Findadmission’s potential students will now not only be located within Africa, but also: East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia and Northern Asia. This array of options went live on 04/11/20 and has already gained the interest of many students from all across the continent. The countries now included on the Findadmission platform includes: China, India, Nepal, Vietnam and many, many more!

Subscription Package Alterations

But that is not all Findadmission have been up to! On top of this expansion to offer our institution partners more potential students, we’ve also increased the amount of regions each of our paid subscriptions can select.

Silver Subscriptions once only enjoyed the freedom of selecting two regions – however, they’ll now be able to choose up to three, without any additional cost being added to their annual or monthly subscription fee.

Gold Subscriptions have also been bumped up from three regions to five, and Platinum Subscriptions will now enjoy no limit to their region allowance! That means: if you have a Platinum account with Findadmission, you’ll be able to select all of the brand new regions at no extra cost! 

Coming Soon

A little birdy tells us that we won’t be stopping with this expansion, so keep your eyes peeled on our blog for more updates! As an added bonus, if you’re one of our Institute partners and you’re subscribed to our exclusive newsletter, you might find a special sneak peak waiting for you at the end of the month… Or so we hear anyway!

Before you go…

Don’t Forget: If you have an amazing international student story, then send it to us for a chance at a FREE feature on our blog! Just make sure your email subject mentions your school name. This can be anything at all, from a graduate who has soared to new heights, to a current student who has done work in the community.

If that isn’t enough to convince you though: each blog feature also comes with a slew of social-media promotion too, which all Findadmission partners can take advantage of, regardless of their subscription type. Don’t delay – send us your story for consideration today!